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Locksmith and Security Leaders in Savannah GA
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About Re-keying
We can re-key your house locks whether you want to make sure none of the old keys work, you’re having problems with your lock, or you just want all of your locks to work with one key.
Even if you are moving into a brand new home built for you there are still a large number of people that have had access to the building, and its keys.
Installers/Service & Repair technicians such as: plumbers, electricians, and painters
Cleaning services
Pest control services
Previously owned houses have a few more security risks to keep in mind. In addition to the list above there are also previous owners, their friends, and their family.
Property management companies, and homeowners, do not always re-key in between tenants. However, they often do not mind you having the locks re-keyed as long as they receive a key upon completion of the work. Check with your lessor to make sure they do not have the locks on a master key system. If they do we can maintain that system while securing your property.
Before Scheduling
In order for us to give you the most accurate price over the phone here are some things to know before calling.
Brand of lock
Type of lock: Cylindrical, Mortise, Multi-Point, etc.
Type of cylinder: American or European/Profile Cylinders
Type of deadbolt: Single Cylinder, or Double Cylinder
Total number of cylinders (interior, and exterior of the door)
Are cylinders currently all keyed alike, or different?
Can your locks be keyed alike?
Select one of your working keys. Insert that key into every lock you wished to have keyed alike. If it goes into the cylinder without any resistance (it does not have to turn) then your locks can most likely be keyed alike.